Comb Ridge Eat and Drink


The food options around Monument Valley are a bit lacking since it’s rather remote. So we opted to head northeast to one of the nearby towns to the Comb Ridge Eat and Drink to get some good food.

The Comb Ridge Eat and Drink is a straight drive up US 163 to the town of Bluff, Utah. From Monument Valley it takes about 45 minutes to drive to. Fortunately there are a few interesting stops along the way, so the trip possibly could be for more than food. At about the halfway point to Bluff is Forrest Gump Point where you can dodge traffic and take some iconic photos. Just past that is the first small town of Mexican Hat. After passing through the town the rock formation the town is named for can be seen. There’s a dirt road turn off that we took to get a closer look at it.

The next town after Mexican Hat is Bluff, and that’s where the Comb Ridge Eat and Drink is located. It’s located on the western end of town and is pretty much the first thing we saw. The restaurant itself looks like an old cabin and on the outside there are wood and stone sculptures of deer playing instruments.

When we arrived they were still serving their brunch menu. After the previous night’s rather unhealthy meal we wanted to eat something a little bit better for us. Michelle chose the turkey club wrap with fries. Taylor ordered the super protein scramble and got a side of fries. The wrap had lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, and turkey wrapped in a wheat tortilla. The scramble had eggs, anasazi beans, caramelized onions, cherry tomatoes, avocado, broccoli and salsa verde.

The food was very delicious and we felt it was worth the long drive. The only thing we regret was not coming back again to try out their dinner menu and getting a piece of their fantastic looking pie.

Google Maps Link: Mexican Hat Rock

Google Maps Link: Comb Ridge Eat and Drink